“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.” ― Thomas Paine
B.S. Sociology, Minor in Psychology
Lander University, 1995, Cumulative GPA: 3.7 (on 4.0 scale)
Certificate in Entrepreneurship, Arthur M. Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Clemson University, 12/11
Marketing Strategies for Business Leaders, Master’s Level Certification, eCornell 2014
Tarkenton Certification in Entrepreneurship, Master’s Level Certification, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 2016
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Confucius
Owner, Ask & Receive, Inc.
10/99 to Present
- Provide a variety of computer and business services to individuals and small businesses including web design, database and spreadsheet development, training and computer maintenance.
- Contracted to develop a previously non-existent Computer Technology course required for high school students at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Course began with an introduction to computers including hardware, repair and maintenance. The class also included Microsoft Office concepts to prepare students for the MOUS exam (Microsoft Office User Specialist). The final part of the course consisted of independent projects. Students could select from a variety of software programs and languages, including but not limited to, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Microsoft Publisher and FrontPage, Poser, Swish, Visual Basic, HTML and Java Scripting.
- Contracted to teach the following classes for ITT Technical College in Greenville: Flash and Scripting and Web Design 2005-2006
- Contracted to teach the following classes for New Horizons Computer Training in Greenville:
Photoshop, Quark, Access, Excel, Outlook, and more – Jan-Feb 2004
Into to PHP – 2007 - Computer Technology Instructor for the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Developed a database for the Admission’s office and a database to create residential student schedules. 2000-2003
- Contracted to teach Computer Technology at Christ Church Episcopal School 1999-2000
Administrative Assistant, Christ Church Episcopal School
Greenville, SC
11/98 to 11/99
Assistant to Business Manager
Click here to see letter of recommendation
Duties included:
- various financial reports
- benefits administration
- processing and tracking purchase orders
- monthly departmental budget reports
- monthly bank reconciliation
- Created MS Excel macros to reduce the monthly department report process from 10 hours to less than one hour.
- Created an MS Access database to track Faculty and Staff degrees, salaries and other important information
- Developed a computerized system utilizing MS Excel and Word to create yearly employment contracts
- Computerized Re-Enrollment data for previous five years to enable efficient statistical comparisons
Facilities Coordinator, Safe Harbor, Inc
(Greenville’s Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence)
Greenville, SC
9/95 to 4/97
- Oversaw the general house and warehouse maintenance, upkeep and repair
- Solicited, sorted and distributed non-cash donations
- Maintained and generated accurate monthly, quarterly and yearly reports for Safe Harbor, The United Way, Department of Social Services and other funding requirements
- Provided computer technical support for staff
- Supervised and trained Part Time Resident Managers: approved time sheets, schedules and facilitated monthly meetings
- Set up a database to track Client Financial Assistance with Excel
- Created a database of donation information for future mailing lists on Access and trained four volunteers to enter data
- Coded and dated account payables
- Developed a filing system for the Director of Finance and Administration to prepare for yearly audits
- Acted as an agency representative and educator. Assisted with coordination of staff schedules
- Established and supervised a Good Samaritan program with Goodwill that provided over $5,000 in store credit vouchers
- Prepared for yearly Department of Health and Fire Department Inspections
- Assisted with volunteer recruitment, training and support
- Ensured that clients understood and complied with house rules and supervised the assignment of chores and ensured that chores were properly completed.
- Provided crisis intervention counseling and participated in weekly clinical meetings
- Provided direct crisis line coverage as needed
- Assisted with case management as needed
- Advocated for women in court
- Networked with other community agencies to assist clients
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s a day you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.” ― Margaret Thatcher
- Spartanburg County Foundation Grass Roots Leadership Development Institute 2016
- Spartanburg Citizen’s Police and Fire Academy 2016
- Leadership Spartanburg Class of 2014
- Leadership South Carolina Class of 2010
- SC Press Association Associate Division – Palmy Award – Advertising
Second Place – 2010 Third Place – 2010 - SC Press Association Associate Division – Electronic Newsletter/Publication
Second Place – 2010 Third Place – 2010 - SC Press Association Associate Division – Web Site
Honorable Mention – 2010 - Google Advertising Professional Adwords Exam
- GIAFPW 2008 Member of the Year
- Furman Connections: Women Leaders Of The Upstate, Graduate April 2008
- Service Above Self, Rotary District 7750, 2005-2006
- Received Lander’s Discipline Award in Sociology for having the highest GPA in the department.
- Dean’s List at Greenville Tech and Lander
“The best part of learning is sharing what you know.” ― Vaughn K. Lauer
- ACC, International Coach Federation 04/13/18-12/31/2021
- Inspired Leadership Specialization Certification, Case Western Reserve University, 08/2018
- Coaching Skills for Managers Certification, University of California, Davis, 05/2018
- Certified Laughter Yogo Leader, 11/17
- Yoast SEO for WordPress Certificate, 04/02/18
- MPM®, Masters Project Management Certification, 03/18
- NNC, Newfield Network Certified Coach, ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP), 01/13/18
- Adwords Search Certification 08/11/17
- AdWords Fundamentals
- Search Advertising
- Georgia Adopt-A-Stream:
- Macroinvertebrate QA/QC Volunteer 10/15/16
- Bacterial QA/QC Volunteer & Chemical QA/QC Volunteer 10/01/16
- Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 08/16
- LegalShield CDLP Certified 10/16
- LegalShield Business to Business (B2B) / Group Certified 08/16
- Advanced Local Search Fundamentals
- Advanced WordPress SEO
- WordPress SEO
- Local SEO Fundamentals, Search Engine News 2016
- SEO Masters Class, Search Engine News 2016
- Advanced SEO, Search Engine News 2015
- SEO Fundamentals, Search Engine News 2015
- Marketing Strategies, Master’s Level Certification, eCornell 2014
- Social Media Strategist Certification, 2014
- Women’s Campaign School at Yale, New Haven, CT, 7/09
- Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor (most advanced MS Office certification available)
- International Webmasters Association Web Business Certified
- International Webmasters Association Web Graphics and Multimedia Certified
- International Webmasters Association Web Technologies Certified
- International Webmasters Association Web Programming Certified
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” ― Albert Einstein
- IATF 16949: 2016 – Understanding Standard and Auditing. Greenville Tech, 11/2018
- ISO 9001:2015 Standard & Internal/Supplier Auditor, Greenville Tech, 10/2018
- Newfield Network Executive Certified Coach Training, 2017
- March 6 – 10, 2017 – TCF/CCT Opening conference
- July 10 – 14, 2017 – CCT Mid-conference
- November 10, 2017 – CCT Virtual closing conference call
- PMP Exam Prep, Various 2016-2017
- Operations, Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 08/16
- Human Resources, Insurance and Risk Management, Government Regulation, IT
- Financial and Legal, Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 08/16
- Banking Services, Keeping the Books, Dealing with Legal Counsel
- LegalShield Business to Business (B2B) Training 08/16
- Customer Acquisition, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 07/16
- Website Basics, Digital Marketing, Sales Activities, Customer Focus
- Funding Your Venture, Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 07/16
- Business Plan Financials, Finding the Funds
- Planning Your Venture, Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 02/16
- Developing a Concept for Business, Beginnings of a Good Plan, The Business Plan Narrative, Planning for Predictable Revenue, Leadership
- Principles of Entrepreneurship, Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship, The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 01/16
- Intro to Entrepreneurship
- Distribution Strategy and International Marketing, eCornell University 11/14
- Social and New Media Marketing, eCornell University 10/14
- Creating and Communicating the Value of Your Brand, eCornell University 9/14
- Introducing New Products: Successes and Failures, eCornell University 9/14
- Applied Marketing Strategy and Decision-Making Tools, eCornell University 8/14
- Marketing Research and Analysis, eCornell University 8/14
- Essentials of Marketing Strategy, eCornell University 7/14
- Effective Storytelling for Sustainability, USC System of Affairs and Extended University 7/14
- Strategic PR, Social Media Marketing Univ 6/14
- Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing Univ 6/14
- Video Marketing, Social Media Marketing Univ 6/14
- Business Blogging, Social Media Marketing Univ 56/14
- Advanced Twitter, Social Media Marketing Univ 5/14
- Advanced LinkedIn, Social Media Marketing Univ 5/14
- Advanced Facebook, Social Media Marketing Univ 5/14
- NxLevel for Entrepreneurs (Existing Businesses), SBDC/SCORE 4/14
- Adobe Photoshop, SC Press Assoc., 8/12
- Adobe InDesign, SC Press Assoc., 6/12
- Introduction to Joomla, IWA-HWG*, 9/11
- Grassroots Politics Training School, Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics 4/10
Real Estate First Year Sales, Greenville, SC, 12/09
- Women’s Campaign School at Yale, New Haven, CT, 7/09
- Leading Women: Spring 2009 Campaign Training, Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics 5/09
- Introduction to Web Analytics, IWA-HWG*, 3/09
- Introduction to Perl, IWA-HWG*, 4/07
- Introduction to JavaScript, IWA-HWG*, 4/07
- HTML Forms, IWA-HWG*, 4/07
- Intro to PHP, IWA-HWG*, 9/06
- Adobe Illustrator, IWA-HWG*, 11/05
- Web Animation with Flash MX/MX2004 A231.29, IWA-HWG*, 12/04
- MySQL, IWA-HWG*, 3/04
- Enhancing Web Pages w/ JavaScript, New Horizons, Online Class, 3/04
- CorelDraw 10: Intro, New Horizons, Online Class, 2/04
- Access 2000 – Advanced, New Horizons, Online Class, 1/04
- Object-Oriented Programming Principles, New Horizons, Online Class, 1/04
- Intro to Programming, New Horizons, Online Class, 1/04
- Photoshop 7.0 Level 1, New Horizons, Greenville, SC 1/04
- SQL Boot Camp MS 2071/2073, New Horizons, Greenville, SC 12/03
- Web Site Promotion, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- Contracting Your Services, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- Web Content Writing and Editing, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- Legal Issues for Web Designers and Content Managers, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- Accessible Web Design, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- Intro to Database Design, IWA-HWG*, 12/03
- SQL Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 8/03
- Intermediate Access Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 8/03
- Imaging for the Web Using Fireworks 4.0, Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 9/02
- CGI Programming for the Web, Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 9/02
- Troubleshooting, Maintaining and Upgrading PCs, Compumaster, 4/00
- Visual Basic 6.0 Programming, Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 2/00
- HTML For Web Page Design, Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 12/99
- Novell Network Administration, Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC 6/99
“In most vital organizations, there is a common bond of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking contributions, and simple joy.” ― Max DePree
- International Coach Federation
- Business and Professional Women of South Carolina, Spartanburg Breakfast Club
- Grass Roots Leadership Development Institute Alumni Association
- Spartanburg Downtown Association
- Lander Alumni Association
- International Webmasters Association/The HTML Writers Guild
- Interfaith Forum
- Past:
Project Management Institute
Leadership Spartanburg Alumni Association
Union Chamber of Commerce
American Association of Notaries
Spartanburg Artists Guild
Women’s Leadership Council, Greenwood Chamber
Executive Association of Greater Greenville (EAUpstate)
Greenville International Alliance for Professional Women, Founding Board Member
International Center of the Upstate (ICU)
ICU Upstate Global Professionals
Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics
Greenville Swamp Rabbits Booster Association
“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.” ― Eldridge Cleaver
- 2017-Present Northside Start:ME Mentor – Microenterprise Training Mentor
- 2016-Present CC Woodson Recreation Center, Computer Lab Tutor
- 2016-Present Spartanburg Adult Learning Center, Tutor
- 2012-2017 Spartanburg Humane Society
- 2011-2017 Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Inc.
- 2016-2017 Georgia Adopt-A-Stream
- 2011-2012 Executive Association of Greater Greenville, Treasurer
- 2005-2012 ECPI Advisory Board
- 2011-2012 Greenville Road Warriors (Greenville Swamp Rabbits) Booster Club Secretary
- 2010-2011 Greenville Road Warriors (Greenville Swamp Rabbits) Booster Club Board Member at Large
- 2008-2011 Furman Connections: Women Leaders Of The Upstate, Advisory Board
- 2005-2010 Greenville International Alliance for Professional Women (GIAFPW) – Co-Founder and Board Member
*IWA-HWG – International Webmasters Association and the HTML Writers Guild